W. Deen Mohammed
Hilf al Fudul Civic Association

Al-Islam calls for Muslims and non-Muslims to cooperate with one another in good deeds, justice, and mutual benefit for humanity. The precedent for this cooperation is the alliance of al-Fudul (Hilf al-Fudul), a pre-Islamic pact of justice made by the people of Mecca in which they pledged to support an oppressed person no matter what tribe he was from. The Prophet spoke highly of this pact and made clear that he would support any similar pact with non-Muslims after the advent of Islam.
Hilf al-Fudul (Arabic: حلف الفضول) was a 7th-century alliance created by various Meccans, including Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, to establish justice and fair commercial dealing. Because of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah's role in its formation, the alliance plays a significant role in Islamic Ethics and Jurisprudence. Because fudul commonly means "honest" the alliance is often translated as League of the Honest. The pact holds significance in Islamic Ethics and Jurisprudence. According to some Islamic historians, the pact represents Islam's interest in human rights and protection of such rights. The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (PBUH), later as a Muslim, accepted the substance of the agreement made by primarily non-Muslims. Thus, history draws three important principles from this:
Islam embraces values derived from the human conscience that are outside of the Islamic tradition. This is because the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (PBUH) had acknowledged a pact before revelation, in the pre--Islamic era.
Islam acknowledges the righteousness of non-Muslims. In this case, the non-Muslims had defended justice and the oppressed.
Islam, instead of building allegiance to a closed community, requires allegiance to a set of universal principles. The message of Islam is not a closed value system, or at variance or conflict with other value system Islam embraces values derived from the human conscience that are outside of the Islamic
This is an overview of a plan to begin discussions with the General Community in the Newark-Essex County metro area to present a plan that offers general membership in the “League of the Honest”, that would have as its primary aim, goal and objective, the protection and establishment of justice (Political and Economic) in our community as well as other tangible benefits including an death benefit as part of our membership. The plan will include some of the following:
Membership in a civic, benevolent/fraternal type association (similar to Jaycees, Rotary, Lions etc.)
Membership will require a $25-$35 monthly membership dues which would be tax deductible; and other incentives (newsletter, pens, tee-shirts, discount rates for admission to association’s sponsored events etc.)
Membership will be on the basis of active member, associate member, and inactive member status
Active Member will primarily be defined as being current with monthly dues and participating in an agreed upon membership By-Laws
Membership will be on the basis of active member, associate member, and inactive member status
Active Member will primarily be defined as being current with monthly dues and participating in an agreed upon membership By-Laws
Active Member status will entitle member to accident/death benefit to cover burial expenses and other incentives (newsletter, pens, tee-shirts, discount rates for admission to association’s sponsored events etc.)
This plan will be offered to the general community in the Newark-metro-Essex County Area and would have the potential of indirect economic and political influence in that community
The target number of participants are conservatively estimated at 1500-3000 members
3000 membership dues represents a $75,000 monthly cash flow which translates into $900,000 Yearly
To be a voice in the community of the City of Newark and metro area
Act to involve as many citizens as possible in the affairs of the community of the City of Newark
Educate citizens on community standards for the City of Newark
To become aware of events affecting the community of the City of Newark early enough to effect those events
To facilitate community volunteer programs for the City of Newark
To educate citizens on how to access City of Newark services
To communicate recommendations, suggestions, and/or modifications to senators and congressmen etc; to introducing legislation/referendum, which will improve the quality of life in the community of the City of Newark
To identify a list of needs, which will help the community and communicate them to appropriate City of Newark official
To represent the community of the City of Newark and its wishes at meetings and public hearings
To participate with the City of Newark in improving its role in the community
To resolve problems at the community level and when unsuccessful, access City Hall
To recognize outstanding exemplary work performance of city employees and community volunteers of the City of
277,140 Newark Population according to 2010 Census
152,294 registered voters in Newark
45,071 votes casted in last election
22,751 votes for winner of most recent Newark, NJ Mayoral Election
20,260 votes for loser of most recent Newark, NJ Mayoral Election
29.59% of registered voters participated
2311 Margin of Victory
3000 Membership
$75,000 Monthly Membership Dues
$900,000 Yearly Membership Dues
$40,500 Monthly Member Benefit ($13.50) X 12 months = $486,000
$414,000 Member Benefits
Domestic Fraternal Societies (501(c)(10))
A domestic fraternal society, order, or association must file an application for recognition of exemption from federal income tax on Form 1024. The application and accompanying statements should establish that the organization:
Is a domestic fraternal organization organized in the U.S., Operates under the lodge system,
Devotes its net earnings exclusively to religious, charitable, scientific, literary, educational, and fraternal purposes, and Doesn’t provide for the payment of life, sick, accident, or other benefits to its members.
The organization can arrange with insurance companies to provide optional insurance to its members without jeopardizing its exempt status.
“Man is created for his share of
responsibility to G'd for community.”
Imam W. D. Mohammed